Sunday, July 6, 2008

Ist. Comp. De Pisis - Italy

In April 2008 a delegation coming from "Istituto Comprensivo F. De Pisis" (Brugherio) was in Turkey and exactly in Istambul.

Now it is the tenth year that our institute has relationships with the rest of Europe inside Comenius project.

The actual Project, of the duration of two years, is titled " Identity in Europe or Europe identity: who I am, who are you, who are we".

art lessons

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


All the teachers from the different partner school were doing a review of the project, analising the activities and products and the results in each school.

We had the great chance of having a close approach to the Turkish culture, the people, the educational system and the lovely city of Istanbul.

The coordinators missed Lars , our colleague in Greenland who could not participate with us in this meeting.

We really felt like Sultans during these days with all the attention that our Turkish friends ( staff, pupils and parents ) offered us.

We could taste typical food and enjoy the atmosfere from different regions of Turkey , thanks to the very kind participation of the families - parents association - in the school.

We started this blog and hope everybody can have from it at least a glimp of our project.

We were trying to practise the technique of marbling on paper ( perhaps we must come back to Istanbul again and practise a bit more... ! )
April 2008


Pupils, teachers and parents had worked hard about the project

Official Reception with Local Authorities

Foreign teachers from the partner schools had lessons with the pupils

Friday, April 18, 2008


welcome to Turkiye

italian school

Our Flags

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It is created by Greece.--------------------------------------------------------
Coming together is a beginning.---------------
Keeping together is progtess.-------------------------------------------
Working together is success.-----------------------------------

Kurt-von-Marval-Schule in Germany

This is our school in Nordheim near Heilbronn in the south of Germany.
You can visit our homepage to see more pictures:

Starting a new blog

We are celebrating our Comenius meeting in Istanbul.
Representative teachers from every partner school in the project are working hard here and designing this blog for the project.
We would like to share with all our School community what we are doing.